My Philosophy
Great Mystery
"Energy Source"
Spirit, Mind, Soul
Universal Consciousness
Being an Artist has led me on a interesting spiritual journey into Native Spiritualism to find answers to the "Big Questions".
Great Mystery
"Energy Source"
Spirit, Mind, Soul
Universal Consciousness
Being an Artist has led me on a interesting spiritual journey into Native Spiritualism to find answers to the "Big Questions".
As an artist, asking questions about the world came natural to me and gave my artworks meaning.
I am on a Spiritual Journey that blessed me with a Gift of Native American Traditional Art.
I was also at the time, researching connections between Living Beings and World Spirituality. I wanted to know the Grand Designer, Life Energy Source, God, The Great Mystery Spirit, Allah.
Was this world just made of material matter? Is the person inside me my soul or just brain signals creating the "me" inside. Or is the spirit consciousness non-local (not of this space time dimension).
I came to know we are all interconnected to a "Source" or spiritual energy.
This Spiritual World within ours that we can learn to see or experience.
What we think of as matter and space is also occupied by other dimensions or the "spiritual plane".
Part of my Spiritual Journey is asking...
Why are the fundamental Laws of Nature are Fine Tuned for this Universe to exist?
What are the Non Local connections between consciousness or soul, Dark matter, Dark energy, quantum phenomenon, symbiotic relationships, Intelligent Design and phenomenon such as instincts, intuition, Déjà vu and creativity.
This spiritual plane or “other side” is alluded to by many cultures and religions.
Native culture teaches that this world we live in is but a shadow or reflection of the other larger spiritual world. I think we all have a shared connection to this spiritual energy and because of that we are all part of a larger consciousness.
In this series of paintings I am portraying the unseen spiritual energy that is there.
Vibrational Frequency
The sky and underground are filled with unseen Non-Local energy.
The "Source" living energy fields preside on geometric dimensional planes are represented by flowing organic lines, linear dimensional colors and textures.
This is the "Real" but unseen world.
I am on a Spiritual Journey that blessed me with a Gift of Native American Traditional Art.
I was also at the time, researching connections between Living Beings and World Spirituality. I wanted to know the Grand Designer, Life Energy Source, God, The Great Mystery Spirit, Allah.
Was this world just made of material matter? Is the person inside me my soul or just brain signals creating the "me" inside. Or is the spirit consciousness non-local (not of this space time dimension).
I came to know we are all interconnected to a "Source" or spiritual energy.
This Spiritual World within ours that we can learn to see or experience.
What we think of as matter and space is also occupied by other dimensions or the "spiritual plane".
Part of my Spiritual Journey is asking...
Why are the fundamental Laws of Nature are Fine Tuned for this Universe to exist?
What are the Non Local connections between consciousness or soul, Dark matter, Dark energy, quantum phenomenon, symbiotic relationships, Intelligent Design and phenomenon such as instincts, intuition, Déjà vu and creativity.
This spiritual plane or “other side” is alluded to by many cultures and religions.
Native culture teaches that this world we live in is but a shadow or reflection of the other larger spiritual world. I think we all have a shared connection to this spiritual energy and because of that we are all part of a larger consciousness.
In this series of paintings I am portraying the unseen spiritual energy that is there.
Vibrational Frequency
The sky and underground are filled with unseen Non-Local energy.
The "Source" living energy fields preside on geometric dimensional planes are represented by flowing organic lines, linear dimensional colors and textures.
This is the "Real" but unseen world.
Have you ever asked yourself ?
Does the Universal consciousness express itself through our Individual consciousness and then outward to the physical world?
Can we then experience this in many ways on a spiritual level with our consciousness or soul.
Can we see it manifest in quantum phenomenon, wave collapse, quantum leap, super position and indirectly in nature through symbiotic relationships, intelligent design, and phenomenon such as instincts, human emotion, intuition and creativity.
There was a time when I viewed these as independent anomalies but once you can see the connection
with the creators energy at work it all falls into place.
God the creator is the missing piece in the puzzle. The fire in living organisms.
The Grand Designer. God, whatever God is, is the Planks Constant.
What is the spiritual plane or “other side” is alluded to by many cultures and religions?
I believe we are all interconnected to a spiritual energy.
· What is are the limits of our senses and knowledge of the physical universe?
· Does a Universal Consciousness (GOD) lie beyond these dimensions?
· What is the nature of physical reality and non-local reality?
· What lies within the limits of time and the three dimensions we know?
· Are we a vibration in a superstring within an infinite number of multiverses?
· What lies outside of time and space?
· What role does our connected consciousness play in manifesting reality?
· Are we spirits in a material world or is the material world a holographic illusion projected by our consciousness?
· What is the nature of the sub-conscious?
Physics shows that what we think of as empty space is not empty at all and that this is occupied by as many as 12 other dimensions.
Outside of Space and Time ( non-locality) is where our Universal Consciousness lies.
This Universal consciousness manifests itself in our individual consciousness which interacts with the physical world through our brain and body.
Is the Universal Consciousness only one aspect of the infinite Great Spirit?
I think we all have a shared connection to this spiritual energy and because of that we are all part of a larger consciousness.
Are all living things are "tuned in" to this consciousness.
For thousands of years Shamans, Medicine Men, Priests, Physics, Popes, Monks and Spiritual Leaders have connected with this spiritual side through Visions, Meditation, Prayer, plants such as Auhuasca, (DMT), Hallucinogens and Fasting.
All sentient beings in this Universe are connected to a spiritual "Source Energy".
For thousands of years Shamans, Medicine Men, Priests, Physics, Popes, Monks and Spiritual Leaders have connected with this spiritual side through Visions, Meditation, Prayer, plants such as Auhuasca, (DMT), Hallucinogens and Fasting.
All sentient beings in this Universe are connected to a spiritual "Source Energy".
All sentient beings in this Universe are connected to a spiritual "Source Energy".
Expanding the Right Brain
We are programmed from childhood to only use our Left Brain to Lock us into the Material Consumer World. We become Material Thinkers.
By using our Right Brain we can fully explore who we "really" are as a person.
This way of looking at life opens up our pineal gland which is a window to our Spiritual World.
By using our Right Brain we can fully explore who we "really" are as a person.
This way of looking at life opens up our pineal gland which is a window to our Spiritual World.